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What Is The Metaverse And How To Get into It?

Recently the word "metaverse" has been on everyone's mind. Both Facebook and Microsoft have said the Metaverse will play a key role in their plans, and the technology being discuss as if it will be a game-changer.

This is not the first time such claims have been made about a particular technology or innovation. Still, the Metaverse, like the Internet, has the potential to become an increasingly important part of our daily lives over time. We'll try to explain what it is and how to get involved here.

What Is It Exactly?

The Metaverse combines a few different technologies from what we already have. Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Video Technology are among them. The goal is to mix and match these elements for users to live in a virtual reality created in this way.

That goal is still far away. Nevertheless, advances in augmented and virtual reality software have been significant, and software review sites such as already offer a variety of software solutions in these areas. However, it will take some time before these innovations become something new.

Future of Internet

The Metaverse was announced as a new Internet, a network that would serve as the foundation of all professional and personal communication worldwide. That's a tall order, but the Internet was how it first appeared.

Investors and the general public are excited about such an opportunity and its potential applications. Most of them are still unpredictable, as was the Internet. However, the Metaverse concept has attracted enough talent, investment, and interest to become a reality.

When Will The Metaverse Become a Reality?

According to Mark Zuckerberg, it could take up to ten years for the Metaverse to become a reality. There are still many technical hurdles to overcome, and technology is not where it needs to be. At the moment, we can say that ultra-high-speed Internet and virtual reality are enough to support the technology.

Since its inception, augmented reality has come a long way and is now being used in various industries, especially in the training of certain professions.


Since 2014, when it acquired Oculus, Meta (formerly known as Facebook) has been investing in virtual reality. Zuckerberg recently claimed this technology might be one of the most important innovations since the inception of the Internet.

When the company was rebranded, Zuckerberg focused on Horizon Workroom, a virtual reality tool for hosting online meetings in the Metaverse. The device uses the Oculus headset and has a cartoon-like warmth and friendliness. It got a mixed response.


Microsoft is already working on a mixed and expanded version of virtual reality (or XR). The goal is to combine augmented reality with existing virtual reality technology. Microsoft has also worked on developing and integrating holograms into its products. Starting in 2022, Microsoft Teams will incorporate this technology into its services.

Explorable 3D virtual tours are also a big part of Microsoft's upcoming offering, which is getting much attention. The tool has many uses in the warehouse and shipping industries, but this is just the beginning. Microsoft has also developed its own VR headset to compete with Meta.

Epic Games

Epic Games is widely known for the popular Fortnite game. It has also invested in the Metaverse, which it sees as its next big step. In this regard, some risks have already been taken. Ariana Grande and Travis Scott's virtual concerts were among them.

In addition, the company has reimagined Martin Luther King's famous "I have a dream" speech. It's also working on creating lifelike in-game avatars from real-life photos and videos. Metahuman is the name of the Creator project and design to compete with Facebook's cartoonish aesthetic.

What Is The State of Technology Now?

Metaverse is currently more an idea and a plan for future development than an actual project, but Metaverse development services are already available. Virtual worlds, digital concerts, and other online gatherings are a reality, but living in an online fact is still a long way off.

However, given how quickly NFTs and cryptocurrency have grown into viable businesses, the Metaverse has a good chance of doing so, considering how well it caters to the generation that grew up with the Internet. Competition among the more prominent companies interested in it also aids in innovation.

Properties Monetize in The Metaverse

The ability to monetize assets in the Metaverse is one of the possibilities that has received more attention in recent months. These are virtual assets you can buy in the Metaverse, and some speculate that they may include locations or land on which to establish your Metaverse presence.

This could lead to metaverse-wide community-based governance, which is an interesting political concept in its own right. This is referred to as the "open metaverse," in contrast to the "closed metaverse" maintained by some large corporations.

A New Market

The concept is gaining traction as a testament to how vital online identities and activities are to the younger generation of Internet users. According to research, people aged 12 to 17 have increased their interest in gaming by almost 60% since the pandemic.

It is a growing market that is comfortable with technology and the experience of sharing one's life online. The Web3 Development Company will be the next big step for this generation of Internet users, and it will target more than their parents, at least at first, as these things grow and expand.
